Routine below isn’t strict, but it’s an aid to help me put some order
General Routine
- 5:30am - wake up, workout,
- 7:30 - get ready, go to the office
- 8am - journal & swahili lesson
- 8:45am - respond back to emails & follow ups
- 9:30am - deep work
- 11:00am - standup
- 11:30am - deep work
- 2pm - break
- 2:30pm - deep work
- 6pm - break
- 6:30pm - deep work
- 8:30pm - go home, wind down
- 9:30pm - sleep
- On Saturday I stop working around 4:30pm
- I try to make time for church at 5pm and then time with family/friends in the night
- Tuesday & Thursday evenings
- Jiu Jitsu from 7:30pm - 9pm